The Rabbit-Hole Method for Generating Brilliant Business Breakthroughs

Internet Business Mastery AUDIOblogs: Our Best Tips in 15 Mins or Less show

Summary:  <br> <br><br> Innovation. It's how truly great businesses like Apple grow rapidly and change the world. It's also integral to the growth of your own business. Even small innovative ideas will multiply your income and impact. The key is to have small breakthroughs regularly.<br> This could be a new way to teach a key concept or a slightly different way of applying existing technology.<br> For example, there's nothing earth-shattering about the launch of our new AUDIOblogs podcast. It's a small innovation, but one that is attracting more listeners and getting much higher engagement. It started with a "why we don't we try this" idea. And now other content creators are adopting this same idea.<br> How can you develop your ability to generate small innovations for big growth?<br> Raw Fuel for Creativity<br> Creativity needs raw material. You put stuff into the refinery, it rolls around in the hopper and, eventually, a brilliant idea emerges. One of the best sources of innovation is <a href="" target="_blank">peripheral knowledge</a>, in other words, using seemingly unrelated information and applying it to an existing task or goal.<br> Reebok used technology for IV bags (like you see in a hospital) to develop new cushioning for its basketball shoes. I can just imagine a shoe-tech lying in a hospital bed after a skiing accident, looking up at his morphine drip and having a drug-induced breakthrough :).<br> That's probably not what happened, but one thing is for certain. This breakthrough would have never happened had this seemingly irrelevant information not shown up on a shoe designer's radar.<br> Sometimes Rabbit Holes Pay Off<br> "Wait! What? But you guys always tell us to stay focused and use <a href="" target="_blank">Just-in-Time Learning</a>."<br> Yes. This is true... most of the time. Let's say 95% of the time it's important to be incredibly focused with your learning. However, you'll end up with tunnel vision if you only give your mind "Just in Time" learning.<br> Not only that, but if you denying your entrepreneurial mind of novel info for too long it just might rebel. Your mind needs to play, too.<br> I call this kind of learning, Free Learning.<br> A Word of Warning<br> Now, don't take this as license to chase the shiny and new. Don't go subscribing to every email newsletter under the sun or buying your entire wishlist on Amazon.<br> You have to be deliberate. It's a balance.Productivity is important, but so is exploration.<br> Are you free learning to avoid getting things done, or are you free learning to restore your supply of raw material?<br> Here are three steps to get the most from this form of learning.<br> Step One: Schedule Free Learning Time<br> The best way to ensure that you Free Learning time is about innovation and not procrastination is to schedule it. Set a time limit to keep things under control. I usually set about an hour. I make sure to have at least one free learning session every month. When possible, I do one weekly.<br> Step Two: Follow Your Whims<br> Read about, listen to or watch whatever your heart desires. Anything that catches your interest is fair game. This is learning for learning's sake. It's about learning because you love to learn.<br> There are no expectations of being productive. This is about letting go of objectives or expectations. This is what sets Free Learning apart from <a href="" target="_blank">Discovery Learning</a>. Discovery Learning has the objective to learn broadly in order to find the best path forward. Free Learning has no prescribed destination.<br>