Evan Brand on Isolation Tanks, Sensory Deprivation, and Stress

The Paleohacks Podcast show

Summary: Can isolation tanks play a role in improving your mind and performance, plus what is an isolation tank? How can you get the best nights sleep without supplements? Let's get beyond just paleo, and find out not only what get make us feel better on the inside, but how can our lives be better all around. We have <a href="http://notjustpaleo.com/" target="_blank">Evan Brand</a>, from Not Just Paleo and author of <a href="http://remrehab.com/" target="_blank">REM Rehab</a>, on our Paleo podcast today. He specializing in optimizing mental and physical performance. It was perfect timing to get Evan on the show as I had my first isolation/float tank experience a few days before talking with <a href="http://blog.paleohacks.com/joe-salama-paleo-miracle-podcast/">Joe Salama</a>! Several of you PaleoHackers reached out to me right after that show and told me I had to get Evan on, as he's super into that. That next day, some of the PaleoHacks team was telling me about him and his podcast, so by popular demand... Come download and listen to my latest podcast where Evan Brand and I get into: How to use isolation tanks to upgrade your life What is sensory deprivation, and why would you do it? How to perfect sleep What foods can help you get a restful nights sleep Can what you listen to in the car affect your everyday performance? How does loud music change your moods? Why we need to focus more on not being "just Paleo" Get your podcasting on! <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-paleohacks-podcast/id625881787?mt=2">Check us out on iTunes</a>. Use this link to subscribe outside of Itunes: <a href="http://blog.paleohacks.com/category/podcast/feed/">Paleohacks Podcast RSS Feed</a> Use this link to listen to us on Stitcher: <a href="http://app.stitcher.com/browse/feed/34300/episodes">Listen to us on Stitcher</a> If you want to connect with Clark, you can hit him up on <a href="https://twitter.com/clarkdangerous" target="_blank">Twitter</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ClarkDangerous" target="_blank">Facebook</a>, or via e-mail at <a href="mailto:clark@paleohacks.com">Clark@Paleohacks.com</a>.