#23 – “I Cycle Safely”

Spokes and Words show

Summary: ...in which we while away the hour talking about teaching kids how to not get run over by cars. 23 skidoo! Randy considers a radical idea for staying safe on the road. The only real problem is his man-purse... (Note: the word on one of the vests in this overtaking study is "POLITE") Mike gets all riled up about a safe-bicycling pamphlet distributed at his son's school. We mentioned David Hembrow's description of what the "strict liability" law in the Netherlands is really all about. Both of us seem to have trouble keeping our helmets from banging into things. For people interested in teaching kids to cycle safely, John Forester's Elementary-Level Cyclist Training Program might be of interest. Randy tells the tale of an unfortunate incident involving a chain, a derailleur, a birthday, and bad repair timing. (Here's an example, though not the one in question) Last, but not least...escaping wheels!