MFSA015: The Deep End

Music For Small Audiences show

Summary: A wise man once said that the real purpose of setting a goal is what it makes you while you are pursuing it. We become our future selves through the challenges we encounter - which in many cases are the challenges we set up for ourselves. Per aspera ad astra et cetera, right? Sometimes being thrown in the deep end is the only way to fly, if you will excuse the mangled metaphor. I have spent most of the past week feeling very much like I had been thrown in the deep end (mostly in a good way), and this mix was the Friday night decompression session that came at the end of it. As the name suggests, it is a dive into some of the deeper tracks I have been digging lately. However under the pump, out of your depth, or up the creek you find yourself, may this mix fill your ears with happy thoughts.