The Magic of the Mind

Life Coach Chat Channel show

Summary: Mind over matter is what they say! Do you believe that you can think and believe yourself into an abundant life filled with healthy body, mind, and soul? We certainly do! Join this broadcast to learn about the various ways to incorporate mindfulness into our daily lives.  Certified Life Coach, Tamarra Causley Robinson is joined by Certified Integrated Holistic Health Coach Connie Rogers and Certified Life Balance Coach Jennifer Flynn for an hour of power. Join them live for what promises to be a jam-packed hour of information that will bring about clarity and healthy alternatives to thinking and being yourself into great health. Tamarra Causley Robinson, Certified Life and Career Transitions Coach, is a game changer in her life and in the lives of others. She coaches clients through known and unknown change events, moving them from fear, doubt and confusion to a life of bold new beginnings and authentic steps forward with courage, confidence and power! For more on Tamarra, visit Connie Rogers is a Certified Integrated Holistic Health Coach, Owner of She is a 37 years Certified Cosmetologist/Esthetician-Skin Health Teacher, Published Author &Wellness Writer, Radio show host, Owner of Reverseage Wellness Essential Oils. Expert in toxins that can disrupt our skin, metabolic and endocrine health. Certified Coach Jennifer Flynn helps others reestablish balance in their lives.  When you find that you are never enough, overwhelmed with work, coming in behind all others at home with no time for yourself, she brings the map and flashlight to get you back on track toward to destination of a joyful existence.  With specific tools and resources, you will have vision, clarity and relief after just a few sessions.  You can contact her for a free discovery session at