Dating in 2014-Sex for Money, Does love and Money Go hand in Hand

Crs Radio Caribbean Radio Show  show

Summary: Dating in 2014 - Is chivalry dead? Are ladies still alive? Do men know how to lead? Will women follow? What is dating like in 2014? By Sage Michaels For every girl watching “He’s Just Not That Into You”, scanning for self-help books or making their best friend’s ear bleed with exhausting inner monologues about the boy who hasn’t responded to any texts; listen up! It’s about time we stop bullshitting ourselves and stop taking bullshit.  So after years of bad dates, great dates, loves, losses and the things I don’t have the balls to say to my friends’ face, I’ve compiled some tips for girls dating in 2014. I’ve applied these to my own life, and I’ll just say I wasn’t crying or giving myself bangs this Valentine’s Day. 1. If you don’t want to be treated like an option, stop making yourself an option. Eliminate the words “or”, “maybe” and “thoughts?” from your dating vocabulary. When you give a man options, you give him the power. Your feelings become expendable, your number becomes disposable and after time, you’re barely memorable. If you want to be taken seriously, be serious about how you want to be treated.  call in 661-467-2407