Headsets.com’s Mike Faith divulges the most important business trend

be intrepid. show

Summary: A great conversation with serial entrepreneur and Headsets.com CEO + Founder, Mike Faith. Some notes from my conversation with Mike Faith: Unsatisfied with a product or service? Start your own business and do it better. Sure, makes sense, but actually how? How to actually plan, the entrepreneurial way. "Plans are useless, planning is essential," someone famous once said. "On the road to 800,000 customers, I made many mistakes. So will you." "You can't replicate someone else's success plan. You have to create your own path. Do you own thing. Make your own mistakes." A successful leader conveys his vision not once, not twice, but as often as necessary until the team gets it. This might go on a while. Good team building doesn't happen overnight. It takes a while, and it takes mistakes. Three keys to marketing success: customer service, whacky marketing, and direct mail. Really? Direct mail? Finally, Mike shares the most important trend to look for in business. It's not what you're thinking. ### To hear from other intrepid souls like Mike Faith, please SUBSCRIBE to my podcast on iTunes. And, leaving a review and customer rating would be appreciated as well! This is episode 112.