ITB Shorts Episode 17

In the Bleachers Podcast show

Summary: Some quick thoughts on the tragedy this weekend at Auburn. Really just a sad event that folks need to drop their fandom at the door and take it for what it really is, an awful event.  Then we get into a little recruiting talk. Florida State has blown up their recruiting budget and that's a good thing. That means more evals, more contacts, more visits, more materials and the like and that helps get more talent on to campus. It is measure of re-investment that should help pay itself back in the way of wins.  In keeping with the recruiting ordeal we have Brady Hoke waxing all philosophical like on the influence of the media and recruiting services. I take a pretty hard line here, not just because I'm covering more recruiting but because what coach is really saying is that fans love the recruiting sites and they bother him by paying so much attention his recruits' stars. If a head football coach is letting stars do the picking for him then he's already lost, plain and simple. To listen to the show click here or subscribe to one of the methods listed below. If you want the podcast you must subscribe to the Feedburner , but if you want to subscribe to the blog please use the RSS Feed . This is for iTunes to be able to archive the shows. You can also search for "In The Bleachers"on iTunes and subscribe to the podcast that way. You can also find us on Stitcher Radio now!! Blackberry users like your fearless leader can paste this link into the "Add Podcast Channel" option when you download the Blackberry Podcast App. Got a question? Email it in to InTheBleachers @ GMAIL (dot) COM Yes, we're on the Google+ so find "+Michael Felder" on there and we'll get you in the ITB Circle! Hit us up on Twitter @InTheBleachers!