#15 – The First Mosquito of Spring

Spokes and Words show

Summary: ...in which a Christmas movie is filmed in Mike's neighborhood, and Randy discovers an unexpected benefit of portaging a fatbike! Fixing flats, and other broken bicycle parts.  How not to extract a sheared-off bolt from a nut! We discuss that old saw, "When your seatpost clamp is busted, take the bus." Attempted shopping for kids' bikes. Randy's broken frame gets replaced...with Darth Vader!  (It's got a nice beat, but you can't dance to it.) We mentioned that there is a confusing panoply of tire sizes, all explained best by Sheldon Brown in his article on the European Tyre and Rim Technical Organization standards. Large (balanced) tires can spin for a long, long time on a stand. A video of Nik Wallenda riding a bicycle on a high wire! If you want to know what Randy discovered about his Pugsley, you'll have to listen to the show.