Fairdinkum Radio 03.04.14

Fairdinkum Radio show

Summary: Fairdinkum Radio Show mp3 Ep 459 Commentary This week in commentary we look at the connection between the Medical Cartel, the Economic Banking Cartel, the Climate Fraud Cartel, Smart Meters, Wind Fraud Farms, the Energy Cartels, CSG collusion and fraud, EMF and its effect on health, and the collusion of Cartels and Criminal Government. We join the dots between history and the present. While 'We the people' worldwide are being drained of our God given energy and clarity of thought by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy. (Thank you JFK for the warning) 14.04.03 Commentary.mp3 Ep 460 Rural Report - Rob Moore Rob Moore of Just Grounds online joins us to discuss the state of the Cattle industry in Australia after it desperately tries to recover from the destruction of the live export ban. Together we discuss the rain, drought and a new Primary Production Pricing Bill that Rob has instigated to begin transparency in the market for Primary producers. The Primary Production Pricing Bill seeks to deal with thee problem of being being "price takers" suffering from a chronic lack of Market intelligence which is vital to make informed  commercial decisions. The solution is, to introduce market transparency to producers and market, meaning Total freedom and choice will be maintained by  buyers and sellers. Think   ebay without any costs, Aust Stock exchange ASX, securing air tickets on the internet...no big deal these days! End result. All farm gate commerce will be tracked and recorded as in grouped up market reporting historical auctions  OR in the form of the AUDA "Offer Board" which will show  all forward  supply contracts- describing-Quantity   , Delivery Point  ,Specifications and Pricing grids. 14.04.03 Rob Moore.mp3 Ep 461 One World Whey - Heavy Metals? Steve Prahin of Eden Health Foods joins us to discuss some recent claims by Mike Adams of Natural News. This expose comes after Steve has attempted to communicate and question Mike Adams on three separate occasions over the claims he has made. Mike Adams is a very influential individual, with charisma and seemingly honest appearance and no doubt very successful in his business. If his claims are correct, why won't he answer? Steve examines the consistency of his claims. Some of the claims include: Heavy metal content in protein powders, the method of testing, is the testing independent? Does he sell and endorse products he condemns? Is brown rice grown in USA clean when US soils are toxic? Trust is a major issue today, and only transparency, openness and a willingness to answer valid questions will build trust. 14.03.26 One World Whey - Steve Prahin.mp3 Ep 462 Geopolitics - Robert Barwick Robert Barwick of the Citizens Electoral Council joins Leon to discuss the latest developments in the Ukraine. We discuss the background of Russia, Ukraine, City of London and Washington DC in their quest to continue the Empire of World Dominion. We look at the Politics, Economy and the groups that have been funded by the West to create destabilization and revolution which led to the overthrow of a democratically elected government. We discuss the patterns and methods used in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine. 14.04.03 Robbie Barwick - Ukraine.mp3 Ep 463 Bokashi Way Welcome to the answer to dealing with all your food waste. Louise joins Leon to talk about the Bokashi Way, the composting solution for every garden. How to turn your kitchen waste in nutrient rich fertilizer and compost for your garden with the Bokashi Way composting system. Also the Berrie Breeze which deodorizes your fridge, extends the life of your fruit and vegetables, and deals with mold and fungus. By oxygenating your fridge foods last longer, stay fresher and provides a hygienic atmosphere for your food to store in. 14.04.03 Bokashi Way.mp3 More info here: Bokashi Way Tags: SocialismMedical CartelBanking CartelEMF RadiationClimate FraudCompostingRural NewsFarmers voice