RA007 | Running The World’s Most Unique Races: A Chat with Wendy Nail

Runner Academy with Matt Johnson: Achieve Your Running Goal | 5K | 10K | Half Marathon | Marathon show

Summary: Imagine being diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis and not able to run for even one minute, let alone a mile. How would you respond? Given this what would you imagine is possible? A 5K? Maybe a 10K? A marathon? How about overcoming RA and not being able to run more than a few blocks to having completed races all over the world including running a marathon on the Great Wall of China, a half-marathon in the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea, and completing an ultra marathon. Did I mention that she does all of this barefoot? Wendy Nail's journey in just 5 years of being a runner will not only serve to inspire you, but to live vicariously through her amazing running experiences and to consider your own goals. In the quick tip, I share a segment of my appearance on the Runner Girls Podcast where I share some of my top tips for a successful race day, including a tip that can shave time off your race without running faster (or cutting the course!) Links Mentioned In The Show http://rustedrunner.blogspot.com - Rusted Runner (Wendy Nail's Blog) http://runnergirlspodcast.wordpress.com - Runner Girls Podcast (Journey of 3 women running their first half-marathon)