Podcast 22 – The power of focus – Podcasting with John Dumas

Startup Chat show

Summary: <br> <br> John Dumas has grown his podcast <a href="http://entrepreneuronfire.com" target="_blank">Entrepreneur on Fire</a> from scratch to 100,000 downloads a month in 3 months. His focus and work ethic is inspiring and I went in depth in this chat to find out exactly how he went about dominating the podcasting world in such a short amount of time.<br> <br> <br> <br> or <a href="http://media.blubrry.com/webdomination/p/wpcurve.com/wp-content/uploads/Podcast/Episode_22.mp3" target="_blank">Download the file</a> or <a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/web-domination/id526349238" target="_blank">visit iTunes</a>.<br> Notes<br> How he got started<br> <br> Scratched his own itch - wanted his own daily podcast<br> Has interviewed 115 people in 3 months since September<br> Stacked up 40 episodes before even launching<br> Got people sharing from day 1 and his own network<br> Having a new podcast a day sent download numbers through the roof and boosted iTunes organic traffic<br> <br> Stats<br> <br> Straight to new and noteworthy in iTunes from launch for 8 weeks<br> 100,000 downloads a month not including Stitcher<br> Downloaded in more than 100 countries<br> 170 iTunes reviews already<br> 15 to 40 email signups a day (already at 800 subscribers)<br> <br> Workload<br> <br> Edits all of his own episodes<br> Generally interviews 10 people per week more often than not on Mondays<br> 3 full time virtual assistants - 1 working US timezone hours<br> Pre-schedules tweets etc<br> Working at least 70 hours a week<br> Does all the guest outreach himself<br> Does all editing himself as well<br> <br> Promotion tips<br> <br> Asked listeners for reviews<br> Asked guests to rate and review the show<br> Asked guests to promote show<br> Sent $5 Starbucks vouchers to guests<br> Strategically went after big names with big audiences<br> $5 Starbacks gift cart for each guest<br> <br> Tips for getting guests<br> <br> Worked his way up from lower level guests through to higher level guests<br> Contacts direct via their website<br> Mentions the size of his audience etc to get attention<br> Went to physical in person events and told them what he was doing and asked people to be on the show<br> Used testimonials and accolades from original guests to get higher level guests<br> Emails to guests mention other guests he has had on<br> <br>  Monetisation<br> <br> Advertising a possibility<br> <a href="http://podplatform.com" target="_blank">Podplatform.com</a><br> <a href="http://www.entrepreneuronfire.com/ignite/" target="_blank">Ignite community</a><br> <br> Show structure<br> <br> Will integrate feedback over time on the structure of the show<br> Wanted to keep control over the pace and the structure of the show<br> Daily format has a lot of benefits including if there is a bad one, it's forgotten about in a day<br> <br> Equipment<br> <br> <a href="http://www.adobe.com/products/audition.html" target="_blank">Adobe Audition</a> (you can also use Garage Band or Audacity - my <a href="http://inform.ly/the-beginners-guide-to-podcasting/" target="_blank">Podcasting guide</a> goes through these cheaper options)<br> <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Heil-Dynamic-Studio-Recording-Microphone/dp/B000BQXOEM" target="_blank">Heil PR40 mic</a><br> <br> Interview skills<br> <br> Learnt the skills over time didn't have any experience doing interviews before the podcast<br> Got a coach / mentor<br> <br>  Other tips<br> <br> FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Success<br> <br> John's links<br> <br> <a href="http://entrepreneuronfire.com" target="_blank">Entrepreneur on Fire</a><br> <a href="http://podplatform.com" target="_blank">Pod Platform</a><br> <a href="http://www.entrepreneuronfire.com/ignite/" target="_blank">Ignite community</a><br> <a href="http://www."></a>