Hablar sobre el trabajo en INGLES – Audio en INGLES de EXPERIENCIA LABORAL

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Summary:  INGLES COMUNICATIVO - HABLAR DEL TRABAJO Conversation / Speaking Activity #13 -Bienvenidos a InglesTotalSaludos a todos nuestros alumnos virtuales y visitantes. En esta oportunidad queremos compartir un audio que habla del trabajo. Primero les proporcionaremos vocabulario necesario para entender el audio y de allí podrán escucharlo. Les recomiendo que presten atención a algunas frases y que escriban unos parrafos de su propia experiencia laboral al final de esta entrada. De allí pueden grabarlo y si desean me lo pueden mandar a contacto@inglestotal.com Hablar del trabajo es algo muy común y que todos lo haremos en algún punto al conversar en inglés. Por ello queremos compartir un audio proporcionado por MacMillan en donde un trabajador con acento británico hablar de su propia experiencia laboral. Antes de escucharlo vamos a repasar el vocabulario básico para entender el audio. Vocabulario: - work for: cuando hablen del la empresa para la cual trabajan no utilicen work in sino work for. Por ejemplo: I work for InglesTotal- I've been working : cuando quieren indicar el tiempo de trabajo del lugar en donde actualmente están pueden utilizar esta frase. Por ejemplo: I've been working for InglesTotal for 5 years.- customers: clientes- solve problems: resolver problemas- remotely: palabra que describe acciones o trabajos que haces a distancia como en casa y no en la empresa.- hiring: del verbo HIRE que significa contratar- taxes: impuestos- skills: habilidades- apply: aplicar (a un trabajo)Ahora pueden escuchar el AUDIO y a continuación tienen la transcripcion del audio para una mejor comprensión AUDIO DE LECCION: HAGA CLICK EN PLAY EN EL REPRODUCTORTranscript - Transcripción del audio My name is Nils. I work for a software company, a software product company. I’ve been working there for two years now. There aren’t any really typical days in my company. I do a lot of work for different customers so, kind of a typical day would be for me to go to a customer and try to solve some of their problems or I could be staying in the office solving problems remotely. That’s basically a typical day. Before I started working for this company I didn’t really have a career. I did my Masters thesis at the Defense Research Agency in Sweden for half a year. And before that I was a student. I found this job through a friend working for the same company in Sweden, and he said they were hiring staff in Oxford so I sent in my CV and went to an interview. That’s how I got it. Working in the UK. The differences between working in the UK and Sweden is, I guess, that the salaries are a lot higher and the tax is lower. That’s probably what I like most about working in the UK.Things I enjoy most about my job is I meet a lot of different customers, there’s different projects every week, almost every week, so it’s not the same every day. You need to be analytical and need to be able to solve problems even though the problem might not be that articulate to you, the customer might not even know they’ve got a problem but you’re there to solve it anyway. So analyzing problems, just meeting customers, talking to customers, giving a great first impression, that’s probably one of the key skills.My advice to someone that wanted a similar job as mine would be to just apply, try to get a foot through the door. If you’re coming to the UK to work from within the European Union it’s really easy, you don’t really have to do anything – if you get a job just move here and start working. I moved here on a Sunday and started working on a Monday with no problems at all. If I could do any job in the world I probably would want to be a photographer for a travel magazine or Lonely Planet or Rough Guide, something like that.SI DESEAN GRABEN SU PROPIA EXPERIENCIA LABORAL Y MANDENLO A contacto@inglestotal.com PARA CORREGIRLO.