Modal Verb SHOULD – Uso y reglas de SHOULD – LECCION 40 PREINTERMEDIO gramatica

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Summary: Curso de INGLES en INTERNET GRATIS LECCION 40 GRAMMAR curso PRE INTERMEDIO - Modal Verb SHOULDBienvenido,LECCION CON AUDIO. HACER CLICK EN EL ICONO DE PLAYHoy les traemos la LECCION de GRAMATICA numero 40 del curso preintermedio en donde presentaremos la estructura y el correcto uso del MODAL VERB SHOULD.  EstructuraPositive form SUBJECT + (SHOULD + Verb BASE FORM) + COMPLEMENT Examples:- You should go to the doctor. - Elene should talk to her husband more. - They should stop smoking. Negative form SUBJECT + (SHOULDN'T (should not)+ Verb BASE FORM)+ COMPLEMENT Examples:- You shouldn't work too much. - John shouldn't play futbol because he is not feeling well. - They shouldn't wear jeans to go to work. Question formQUESTION WORD + (SHOULD + SUBJECT + Verb BASE FORM) + COMPLEMENT - Where should I study English? - What should we do when there is an earthquake? - Should we buy a used or new car?USO - Cuando usamos SHOULD - We use SHOULD to express an ADVICE or SUGGESTIONExample:a) What's wrong? b) I have a headache. a) You should take a pill.* Usar SHOULD es la forma mas practica de dar CONSEJOS y sugerencias. Es muy facil de usar ya que todas las personas (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) usan la misma estructura y conjugacion. REPASOEXERCICES: Las respuestas estan en el AUDIO que esta al comienzo de esta LECCION