Designer Kavita Parmar of The IOU Project talks about The Power of Woman


Summary: On the 31st episode of SRO Conversations, Creative Director of The IOU Project, Kavita Parmar reflects on entrepreneurship, friendship, family, travel and falling in love. "Can we have it all?" asks Kavita, "I think you can have it all. It's just is reflected in percentages."  Having left home at 16 years of age, Kavita developed a fiery sense of independence and personal identity. "I think the one thing in society that we do so wrong is that we convince people that loving what you do is not priority #1," she insists. Though it may be unconventional thinking now that she is both a wife and mother she says it has to be about her first in terms of who she is. "Then I'm other things," she adds. "I'm a wife and a mother...[but] I don't want my son to know me just as his mother, I want him to know me as a person, to know what I believe, to know what I do." Tune in to all SRO Conversations at Follow @sroakes and Kavita at @TheIOUProject.