SSW059 Creating Your Success Story in Network Marketing

Street Smart Wealth Profit In Your PJs Podcast | MLM | Network Marketing | Direct Sales | WAHM | Blogging show

Summary: Creating Your Success Stories in Network Marketing     Today, we are going to cover the power in developing stories and becoming a good story teller. You’ve heard it before - Facts tell, stories sell. And, yet think how many times we are tempted to blurt out nothing but the facts and features of what we are offering. Think of good story tellers you’ve known in your life; maybe someone in your family, a favorite teacher and so on. As you are building rapport with people and building on those relationships, the stories you share about your life and how they relate to your business. Every time I share a story from my day or my life in a blog post or to my email list, I sponsor several people. I don’t always know what it is about that story that brings them in closer, but there is always something in every story that strikes a chord.   You will learn how to create a solid story to share so you can handle that question - How is it working for you? Once you can handle this question, you are well on your way to what you want. You’ll learn the importance in what you say and how you say it, so you don’t come off as salesy or like a telemarketer, which can be our worst fear, right?     Show Sponsor:   IDLife just launched is already breaking industry records for growth. ID stands for individually designed. This company will revolutionize health and wellness as we know it. We offer patented pharmaceutical grade health supplements 100% customized to each individual based on a free online HIPAA compliant health assessment. One size does not fit all. You get your organic/natural supplements designed for YOU in AM/PM dosing with YOUR name on each daily strip pack. Other all natural products include meal replacement with chia, sleep & stress strips, energy drinks and chews, and appetite chews. These are the highest quality US made nutritional products available. IDLife also has an incredible home business opportunity with a mindblowing compensation plan. Make a few hundred a month or tens of thousands. It’s up to you. YOU design YOUR individual life. This is truly a once in a lifetime ground floor opportunity. Find out more by visiting Your Customized Health   QUESTION on the Blog This Week   Eileen asks - I am an XYZ independent consultant and have been researching to bring my business online. I am super skeptical as I have been burned many times. Can this really work?   Good question, and here was my answer. When you say - Can this really work - what do you mean exactly?   Online? Well, I've sponsored over 1700 people personally, all who came to me, so I would have to say - yes, it works - IF you work.   And, I work it DAILY with a consistent plan of action.   Like Network Marketing, many ask this question - right? And, we know that it works for those who WORK it. Same with the online piece.   It's not overnight; it's not get rich quick; it takes hard work and action; being willing to try, fail and so on, but it is SO worth it!   Hope that helps!   Okay, on to stories!     As I mentioned, The stories about life that I correlate to my business and share to my email list and own my blog generated a ton of feedback! And new sign ups for my business!   Benefits, woven into stories you share, will build you a booming business. Think about people you remember from your past - teachers and college professors. Chances are you remember them from the stories they shared, maybe not what they taught or even their names. My sociology professor in college comes to mind for me. I never had any interest in going into sociology as a profession, but the study of humans is a great past time - think people watching. He shared vivid, colorful stories a year long sabbatical he took on a grant where he lived on the streets as a homeless person in Phoenix and LA, just to mix, mingle and learn why for many people.