Thomas Sowell Vs. Ted Cruz - Who Has The Right Strategy For The GOP? (PODCAST)

The Freedom Report show

Summary: <br> Sowell Questions Why Conservatives Are Attacking McConnell<br> Conservative columnist and economist Thomas Sowell penned an op-ed in the New York Post today criticizing some Republicans in their battle against people in their own party. Sowell has previously written a similar piece denouncing Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) for his tactics that have made fellow Republicans look bad in a year when the party has a legitimate chance to win both houses of congress.<br> Sowell writes that it is more important for conservatives to take power in order to block Obama's agenda in his final years as president than it is to fight Mitch McConnell, who arguable has a more conservative record than most of the Republicans in the legislature today. <br> The article reflects a deep seated frustration in general with Republicans against Senator Cruz, which forces one to consider the alternative strategy being played by one Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. Although Paul is generally seen as an anti-establishment outsider, he has endorsed Mitch McConnell and criticized the FreedomWorks endorsed Matt Bevin, who is an unknown primary challenger and was not endorsed by other outlets such as the Club For Growth. <br> Rand Paul's strategy has differed from Cruz in that he has managed to stake more heterodox policy positions on foreign policy (earning him ire from Cruz) and drug sentences, while not upsetting the Republican establishment so much as the Texas senator has. Cruz and Paul have been trading jabs in recent weeks, leading some to question just exactly what would be the outcome in a potential Rand Paul vs. Ted Cruz scenario for president in 2016. <br> All that and more on the Freedom Report podcast!<br>