16 Guns in libraries, Hobby Lobby birth control, happy dolphins

The Good Fight, with Ben Wikler show

Summary: <div id="magicdomid33" class="ace-line gutter-author-p-89578 emptyGutter"><span class="author-p-89578">An all-Win Report episode! The latest victories and defeats—plus a special Winportunity report from MSNBC's Irin Carmon, who just watched the Supreme Court argue over whether corporations can have religions... and if so, whether corporations like Hobby Lobby can refuse to cover birth control prescriptions for their employees. </span></div> <div id="magicdomid34" class="ace-line longKeep gutter-noauthor"> </div> <div id="magicdomid35" class="ace-line gutter-author-p-89578 emptyGutter"> <span class="author-p-89578">In the Win Report proper, we cover Georgia's crazy new gun law, a ban on plastic bottles that will bring a smile to the heart of every bottle-nosed dolphin in the Pacific, and a bevy of other fights from across the country. Tune in, spread the word, email us at show@thegoodfight.fm, and learn more </span><span class="author-p-89578 autolink">h</span><span class="author-p-89578">ere: </span><span class="author-p-89578 attrlink url url"><a class="attrlink" title="http://thegoodfight.fm/16" href="http://thegoodfight.fm/16">http://thegoodfight.fm/16</a></span> </div>