White Mystery

CHIRP Radio Podcasts show

Summary: <p> <img alt="" src="http://chirpradio.org/_/files/blog/white_mystery_diane_white_lg.jpg" style="width: 40%; height: 40%; float: right;">CHIRP's Kelsey Phillips sat down with Miss Alex White and Francis Scott Key White, brother/sister duo of Chicago's own <a href="http://www.whitemystery.com">White Mystery</a>. They met up in the back of Reckless Records in Wicker Park following an in-store set that packed the house. White Mystery tells us what it was like growing up in the Chicago music scene, talks about going to their first show, and shares some DIY tips.</p> <p> <a href="http://www.facebook.com/WhiteMysteryBand">White Mystery</a> releases their fourth full-length, self-released album, <em>Dubble Dragon</em>, on April 20. You can catch White Mystery next at the Emporium on April 4.</p> <p> <em>Produced by: Colleen Pellissier</em></p>