improv classes

Acting Is... » Notes on Acting show

Summary: Students in my acting classes know that when they do scene work the expectation is that they will rehearse and plan their work carefully to demonstrate that they can make and repeat good choices and give the impression that it is all happening for the first time.  I don’t want students improvising their scene work in front of us tdespite that I thinkthat improvisation classes and workshops are good training for actors andvisation I don’t necessarily mean comic improvisation. .  If you believe as I do that acting is reacting—improvisation teaches you to listen and watch carefully so you respond and react to what your acting partners are giving .    Improvisation sharpens your mind and body.  And teaches the most important lesson , which is to say yes to whatever other actors give you. saying yes to what you are given is a great life lesson as well as a great acting lesson–  as so many actinglessons are—in life you must deal with where you are andwhat you are given.  Pretending life is different than it is does little good and it certainly doesn’t change the reality.  You are better off saying yes to what is, acknowledging it and .   onstage or on filmto be in the moment you must respond to what you acting partner is giving you.  Pretending that he or she gave you something different doesn’t eliminate what they did–  it only points up that you are ignoring them and not in the moment.  And what your acting partner gives you is going to fuel your performance.  So say yes to it and live off of it. listen to podcast