Food Sound Bites! How to better understand them.

Family Food Experts show

Summary: Here’s your chance to learn what food news is science fiction or science fact.  How many times have you heard it is okay to eat egg yolks one day and the next, not!  Or, perhaps you only heard part of what was said, which may be just part of what was reported from the research; you are at the effect of “sound bites.”  Is there really arsenic in grains, fruits and vegetables or lead in chocolate, and are either a problem?  What is the truth about conventional and organic milk? Goodness knows there are all kinds of questions floating around about drinkable water. Our guest, Melissa Joy Dobbins, RDN ( is our truth detector.  You’ll get the straight scoop on how to sort through sound bites for food nutrition facts, so you can feel comfortable with your choices when feeding your family!