Mind Set Daily - March 19, 2014

Mind Set Daily show

Summary: Topics covered on today's episode of Mind Set Daily "U.S. Quietly Gives Up Control Over The Internet" Recently, the United States announced some very big news. The U.S. government is relinquishing its last official control over the internet. The phrasing chosen by the Department of Commerce announces its intent "to transition key Internet domain name functions to the global multistakeholder community."     "What Will Happen When The ‘Big One’ Hits California?" On Monday, a 4.4 magnitude earthquake threw the city of Los Angeles into a bit of a tizzy. The ground shook, people screamed and news anchors ducked under their desks. But it was just a 4.4 magnitude earthquake. So what would happen if the “Big One” hit California? What would happen if an earthquake hundreds of times more powerful than the one that we saw on Monday hit Los Angeles or San Francisco? So when will the “Big One” strike? “It could be today. It could be 100 years from now.” But what we do know is that the “Ring of Fire” is becoming more active, and the California coastline sits right along it. So this latest California earthquake comes in the context of a lot of other seismic activity worldwide. And without a doubt, the state of California is long overdue for a major earthquake. It is going to occur at some point. Everyone agrees on that. The only question is when it will happen. Until Next Time... Support Mind Set Central Subscribe or donate