Geeks Round Table show

Summary: Well, the Chicken Little’s are flapping and yelling hysterically that the sky is falling again.   Word was all over the Interwebs yesterday that Matt Cutts confirmed that a large guest blog network had been penalized, and it was confirmed that MyBlogGuest is the network that was penalized.  (And yes, we used the word “Interwebs” for a larf) Almost immediately, comments were popping up with negativespeak about guest blogging networks being “spam networks” and shady operations. Now hold the phone just one darn second. Google’s search engine algorithm gets gamed constantly…does that make them a “spammy search engine?”  Certainly not.  Whether it’s MyBlogGuest or another guest blogging network, it all comes down to how you use the platform…are you using it in compliance with Google? In this week’s podcast Dave, Mark and Russ discuss the importance of going about your guest blogging in the right way for the right reasons.  If you’re taking the time to write truly helpful, quality content and you’re finding good, relevant websites to guest post on, you’re probably going to be ok, so take a listen and we’ll paint the full picture for ya;) Make sure you click the hella-bodacious “Your SEO Podcast Questions Ask Now” button on the right to submit a question for us to answer on an upcoming podcast!  We love your input:)