Taking Kids to the Doctor

Doctor Who: Gallifrey Public Radio show

Summary: Have you watched kids television lately? I mean, really sat down, and paid attention to the shows kids enjoy watching? The vast majority of them are horrible beyond description. So you would think that introducing them to something as awesome as Doctor Who would be a slam dunk, right? Right? So many kids can be seriously resistant to anything that's not animated, and other programming may have some questionable (at best) content, so this time around, we we offer some pointers to help you in-Doctor-nate the little geeks-in-training in your life. Our (non-comprehensive) list: The Girl in the Fireplace Love and Monsters Partners in Crime The Eleventh Hour The Doctor’s Wife Closing Time Dinosaurs on a Spaceship The Sarah Jane Adventures (spin-off series) Listener Suggestions: Doctor Who: Legacy game for android and iOS - Bert Vincent and the Doctor - @jmlucha The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe - @HollandPark Link Dump: Capaldi costume revealed (the day before public filming in Cardiff begins) New pics of Capaldi and Coleman on set BBC Blogs: 5 Interpretations of the new Doctor’s costume Extremely detailed photo analysts identify and price out Capaldi’s costume Doctor Who award news: 2 National Television Awards! Matt Smith’s message to fans at the NTAs Doctor Who award news: BBC Audio Drama Award for Big Finish The eerie Capaldi/Pertwee Similarity