The Doctor’s Magic Wand

Doctor Who: Gallifrey Public Radio show

Summary: A theme park filled with dinosaurs, a virus that can reanimate dead tissue, the ability to stream "Honey Boo Boo" to your cell phone. There are plenty of times to ask, "Has technology gone too far?" We often have a similar dilemma in the Doctor Who fandom. We have to ask, "How can technology go this far?" The Doctor is truly brilliant, and it makes sense that his tools would be equally brilliant. But how much brilliance are we willing to accept, and at what rate of embellishment? There can be no doubt how much DW fans love the sonic screwdriver, but is it being used in the way we would prefer? A tool in his hands, but to writers, perhaps a crutch? We take a look at the history of the sonic and many of its uses, as well as the development of a real life sonic screwdriver. Link Dump: British scientists develop their own sonic screwdriver (with video!) Den of Geek: A short history of the sonic screwdriver Daily KOS: History of the sonic screwdriver 10 most ridiculous uses of the Sonic Screwdriver (VIDEO) The best use of the sonic screwdriver yet: turning an obnoxious Catherine Tate into a Rose Tyler action figure NEWS: Series 8 will be darker according to director Ben Wheatly BBC corrects itself over the Doctor's new boots Capaldi interview verifies a more "Classic Who" feel for the new series