My Friend, the Doctor

Doctor Who: Gallifrey Public Radio show

Summary: Have you ever had the experience of having someone you admire and respect unexpectedly refer to you as a friend? That moment of elation and humility, finding that you are someone they feel close to, and can rely on? Now imagine getting that accolade -- from the Doctor. This week we look at those individuals lucky enough to have the rebel Time Lord name them as friend. Sure, he's had numerous companions and countless acquaintances, but in this segment, we're looking beyond those relationships, and discussing those individuals who serve as far more than a "traveling buddy" for The Doctor. The Near-and-Dear Friends 2nd/3rd/4th & The Brigadier 3rd/4th & Sarah Jane 4th & Romana I/II 9th/10th & Jack Harkness 9th/10th & Rose 10th & Donna 11th & Craig Owens Link Dump The rumor mill rumbles back to life: Is “Marco Polo” the next lost episode to be revealed? If Doctor Who were made by Americans New character “Danny Pink” introduced for Series 8 Capaldi makes BBC appearance in costume The Mirror being stupid again. Is Capaldi only planned to star in one series?