Answers to Your Top Spirituality Questions

Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Summary: What happens when you cut cords with someone? How do you block an energy exchange and/or protect yourself from unwanted energetic connections? Why do you have people in your life who are not into spirituality or following a spiritual path and never will be; should you keep those relationships in your life? How do you know if you have more spiritual talents to uncover? Oh yes, a lot of questions to answer and discuss in this special radio show!  We'll cover all of these timely topics and more so you can have greater peace and clarity about current issues that may be showing up in your world. Plus, Molly will discuss the 3 upcoming eclipses and provide guidance on how you can make the most of them in your chart. Have your astro chart handy to see how the eclipses will be showing up in your life. (Get a free birth chart at Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst who plays the roles of writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher. Discover more on her popular website, Conscious Cool Chic