Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Summary: What do you need to OWN as part of your energy now? Where are you holding yourself back in some - any way! - and feel ready to change it? Are you trusting yourself, your messages, the steps you need to take? I'll be sharing with you an empowering perspective about standing in your own light and owning your unique energy in the world. Your vibration, frequency and talents are needed right now, so get ready to love yourself more and go for it! Also, I have three new books out this week and they are a smokin' deal! Conscious Thoughts: Powerful Affirmations to Connect With Your Soul's Language Conscious Messages: Spiritual Wisdom and Inspirations For Awakening Book Two in the Awakening Consciousness Series: The Modern Heroine's Journey of Consciousness Book One in the Series is the #1 bestseller The Art of Trapeze: One Woman's Journey of Soaring, Surrendering, and Awakening     Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst whose Spiritual Awakening began in 2002. She shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher in this weekly show. Discover more on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool