MGoPodcast 3.7: Death to Everyone

MGoBlog: The MGoPodcast show

Summary: This week on the podcast: complaining, complaining, and more complaining. It's kind of jovial-like, though, so it's not as annoying as that might sound. But in the interests of full disclosure: We complain about the fourth and one call. We complain about the offense in general. Ten minutes in, we consider whether we will stop complaining. Answer: no. We complain about throwing the ball in a trash tornado. We start talking about the defense, get in a few complaints about holding the edge, find the defense too not-depressing to talk about for an extended period of time and so move on. We complain about Rich Rodriguez's offensive and defensive line recruiting. We complain about the uniforms. We complain about our wow experience. Then Jamie of Just Cover comes on and we talk about the Big Ten. I don't think we complained much in that segment. Musical interludes from Bonnie Prince Billy, one of Will Oldham's alter egoes, and Rilo Kiley. The former's tune is "Death to Everyone" of off I See a Darkness. The latter is "The Execution of All Things" off the album of the same name. I see what I did there. The usual links: Helpful iTunes subscribe link [which I might be able to fix now that I think I know the issue] General podcast feed link Direct download link What's with the theme music?