Talking Smooth Jazz show

Summary: You can find his soul ridged deep in the groove of his records. You can find his heart lodged between the highs and lows of his melodies. You can find his emotions wedged in between space and his fingertips. You can find his sound affixed within multi-generations. Jeff Sparks is ‘classic’ with a ‘twist’ or better stated, he is “Nu Vintage”; a hybrid of what’s old and what’s new. With the mission of keeping his audience in the palm of his hand; Note, Line, and Tempo; Sparks has proven for the last 20 years, that he knows how to use his saxophone to move the crowd. Classically trained as a jazz musician at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, his musical colleagues are our musical geniuses, and with a new album in the works for Spring 2010, audiences can expect that he will deliver timeless music. Yes, timeless, but uniquely passionate about delivering a musical product that goes full circle; capturing lovers of music of all generations.