Ranting From Reno #6 - Jun 30,2011

The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

Summary: Ranting From Reno! Wednesdays *9pm/Est *8pm/Cst *7pmMst *6pm/Pst We are proud to announce that we will have author Janie Johnson with us. Janie is a world renowned writer, and author of "Dont Take My Lemonade Stand". Janie has made many television and radio appearances and has offered to join Steve on Ranters Radio after expressing her love of the show. This is not the one to miss. Join us and bring your friends and family. No matter what Washington tells you, things are not all right. We will discuss whether America is becoming the new East Germany and also the internet censorship bill that has been introduced. We will also discuss SEIU's plan to "breed out" Conservatives. RFR host Steve Sickinger is a certifiable Paleo Conservative Blogger. He is our Patriot News Ranter and holds a double doctorate from the school of hard knocks. Broadcasting from Reno, NV. in the shadow of the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains, Steve's home is dangerously close to California, the most progressive state in the country. The Ranters News Show will also cover Prepping for newbies and lazy people. This is a great opportunity for people that have always meant to start prepping but didn't know how. You can now join in and get involved. We will start with the most basic information about prepping and survival in emergency situations and provide more advanced information as the show progresses. Live Listen and Chat go to: http://prepperbroadcasting.com/listen-and-chat/ Tags: Ranting From Reno, Patriot, Prepper, Survival, Politics, Prepare, Awareness