Relics of Orr Episode 13, Lunch Bags Were Crystal

Relics of Orr show

Summary: Download the MP3 file Tigerfeet, Tasha from Split Infinity Radio, Chas(alternate spelling: Chaz) and I discuss the energy system, elite skills and their balance, attributes, and lunch bags. You’ll see. May I suggest a barrel.. flip? Send us your text or mp3/ogg attachment feedback at Call at 708.202.9262 Visit us on Facebook, Twitter, and Steam. Or in game, add the name “Relics of Orr” to your friends list to chat. We’re accepting new guildies and accepting guilds. We are Luxon. Sequel Scuttlebutt Elite Skill balance (GW2Guru/GW2Wiki), energy in Guild Wars 2, and the attribute system. Speculator’s Corner David Scott writes OK we know that when Kralkatorrik awoke in the Charr territory for what ever reason the evil SOB flew south creating the Dragonband turning everything within it crystal including anything alive. These new crystal beast are minions of Kralkatorrik, when he finally landed it was near the Tomb of the Primeval Kings and Glint’s lair. Now Kralkatorrik has a major minion that seems to be less mindless this of course is the Shatterer a dragon. What do you guys think are the chances that this general of Kralkatorrik is a corrupted Glint? Love to hear this on the next podcast. And TechnoBlaze calls in with a similar question. Togo’s Soapbox I’ve lost track of my progression through a campaign. What do I do about this? Protips Migrating and storage of your builds for a new computer or a new Guild Wars install. Emails Captain Martin Long tries to offer us the most sweet deal! He’s also not related to Martin Short and his name doth protest too loudly. Carlo Viganò says Hello Relics of Orr krewe! I started listening to your podcast a while ago, then I discovered that I have an alter-ego in Chaz (I’m also studying accounting, my name is Carlo = Charles = Chaz and I do all the crazy notepad BU accounting stuff he does when selling things on Gw…), and that is how my addiction started. Yesterday I listened to Tasha’s I believe FIRST in-Gw SHOW on air on SI Radio and actually chatted a little with her, she’s lovely, and owned a nice Hide & Seek game in Gw which was great!!!! (Never played it before, thought it was kinda stupid but when you actually start getting into the teleport frenzy it’s so much fun!) After the show I had a very nice Zbounty quest + domination in the craziest zone (full of bridges, up & downs…jeez) with Chaz whose heros has some supernatural GPS Ability…and in him I found a really good player! We owned that area accounting-style… This is my experience so far with you guys and since I’m enjoying it so much I’ve decided to write this mail ^_^ Show’s Great! Love it, actually the Europe/Canada/Usa mix works nicely, Tasha has the nicest accent (even if she told me she prefers USA’s one lol), Secret Agent Cat blog is awesome and Ryan has some speaking frenzies and jokes which are just hilarious ^_^ I’d definitely love to meet you guys all in Gw and experiment an elite area together or some random PvE….it’d just be great!!! (IGN Ubi Maior) After all this boring stuff about how much fun I’m havin with you guys and bla bla bla let’s write something usefull such a debate idea for your show: a topic that I’ve always cared about but it’s not as popular as I’d like to, is the fact the MMOs actually come from D&D…which comes from the desire of people who are into Fantasy to actually BE into a Fantasy adventure as a protagonist. If you think about MMOs as games based on Fantasy literature, game mechanics then become a set of rules and choice options that yes, allow a game to be playable, but also have to keep the “spirit” of Fantasy books into the game. Nowadays a lot of great MMos have game mechanics that focus more on the “awesomeness” of moves and battles rather than making the game “fantasy acceptable”. Gw2 on the other hand has a really strong “story” and “make you feel like a [...]