Frozen Brake Calipers & Haybox Cookers GF Radio

GardenFork Radio show

Summary: Mike tells us how to buy used truck, buying a used car or truck can be an un-fun experience, Mike talks about how to avoid the pitfalls. Frozen or stuck brake calipers are discussed, what causes a frozen brake caliper? how to fix a broken brake caliper and how disc brakes work are covered. Haybox cookers are next on GF Radio, what is a Haybox Cooker? Listen as eric describes how a haybox cooker is constructed and how it works. The history of these cookers is interesting, and we found several neat blogs while researching this thing. We found a great self sufficiency blog, Growing Things and Making Things, that talks about the haybox cooker Also on that blog was  post about using only water to wash your hair, and Sarah tells us how to wash your hair using only baking soda. [ i can attest that Sarah's hair looks great ] Yet another viewer has discovered our No Knead Bread video and No Knead Bread recipe adapted from Jim Lehman, and the viewer has some suggestions: "Now, you ought to do a video on ALL the possibilities available for the Sullivan Bread.  I do a garlic/onion, onion, onion and Italian seasonings, garlic and Mediterranean seasonings, sun-dried tomato and black olive, and pepperoni and cheese besides the standard recipe. My wife wants me to try a roasted red pepper (chopped) with garlic, onion and Italian or Greek seasonings.  My son is after me to try a bacon/onion and sharp cheddar cheese one. At first I had doubts if ANY of the "flavored" Sullivan breads would turn out, but they did and BETTER than the expensive bakery Artisans.  Of course almost all the add-ins are dried or not refrigerated and added with the base ingredients and let rise over night.  The cheese is added just prior to the two hour "rise". " We then move onto to Steven, of Tiny House Listings' photos and plan for brick pizza oven that uses no mortar or rails, you can see the photos here Love to get recipes and photos from you all.