Black Magic HURTS. Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction  show

Summary: People are suffering all over the country and sometimes don't know why.  They go to church, they do good deeds, they are positive and yet things spiral downward. If this sound familiar, could it be that you are being attacked by BLACK MAGICK? You could go to the local witch doctor or an on-line psychic or you can listen to Robert Zink,   one of the formost magicians and teachers of magic, the Law of Attraction, N.L.P. and personal development.  Robert has an M.B.A. in Business, is the founder of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn and the Temple of Isis.  He has taught all over the world and has clients just like you all over the world who work with him on SKYPE. Listen in, be sure to subscribe to the show and listen to the archives.  If you want to learn to use your mind to attract what you want, then Robert is your Mentor of Mircles. Robertzink770 on Skype RobertZink ( Official ) on Facebook.