Fairdinkum Radio 06.03.14

Fairdinkum Radio show

Summary: Fairdinkum Radio Show mp3 Ep 447 Fairdinkum Commentary This week in commentary we look at: Farmer blocks Santos drill rig in the Pilliga - Lock the Gate Alliance Labor's $7.6 billion carbon tax cost revealed > Federal Member for Flinders - Greg Hunt MP Media Companies Lobby for Trans-Pacific Partnership | Republic Report Obama Admin’s TPP Trade Officials Received Hefty Bonuses From Big Banks Why I am proud to march at my first Mardi Gras | Penny Wong  The Rape of Ukraine: Phase Two Begins 14.03.06 Commentary.mp3 Ep 448 Freemen Thinking Out Loud Simon joins us to discuss some of the latest developments in the Freeman Movement, and the concepts of Common Law and Natural Law. Is this a law abiding system?  Is there a remedy in law? Many a strong researcher has unraveled the layers of the system to reveal it's mechanics.  It is indeed a system of slavery, hearkening back to Babylon.  The natural desire of individuals is to be free.  It is only natural then to be attracted to remedies that offer freedom or the ability simply to live in peace. Today we're going to look a little at how our natural rights have been removed, and how much good we can expect from using the system to fight the system. A whole movement has sprung up around individual sovereignty through knowledge of law often called the "Freeman movement". There is much allure to using hidden knowledge of this systems rules to restore our individual sovereignty and distance ourselves from unfair contracts.   We examine some leading Freeman thinker's in Dean Clifford, Schaeffer Cox and Kevin Annett and their latest moves, imprisonment and calls to action. 14.03.06 Freemen Thinking.mp3 Ep 449 Media ban on state independent state candidates. Mark Aldridge joins us to speak about the unofficial media ban that he has experienced in the run up to the SA election in two weeks. "For over a decade I have been a regular on talk back radio, as a lobbyist and a candidate, and in regards to 5AA, I have been a regular in the studio as many would be aware. Since the announcement that the March election campaign started, it is no coincidence that at that very moment my voice was no longer allowed on radio talk back. ABC radio confirmed this fact “No anti-government protest of any kind is allowed” Five AA, did the same simply by no longer answering calls from any regular caller who opposes any of the government’s current agenda. Read more... 14.03.06 Media Ban SA.mp3 Tags: New World OrderSodomyCommunismSocialismGods KingdomGovernment conspiracySurveillancePolice StateUkrainsconflictCommon LawNatural LawGod's LawMedia BansTotalataria