Sex & Science Hour- 003- SaDOGEi Nakamoto

The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network show

Summary: We made it to episode 3 of Sex & Science Hour, with Brian Sovryn and Dr. Stephanie Murphy! Episode 3 notes and links: We didn’t want to talk about Gox, but we did, a little. 28% of Americans don’t read: Porn for Bronies? ( Brian is confused about DOGE. Or maybe he’s in the conspiracy. A listener asks about losing private keys. A titanium, 3D printed pelvis is still kicking after years. A listener emails about cannabis. Mazacoin crypto for native people. ( And finally, don’t apologize for noisy sex: Email us feedback, comments, show prep, and relationship questions: Thanks to rolemusic for the awesome chiptunes heard in the show, and for commenting on episode 2! ( Send us a tip! We appreciate them. BTC: 1Mspme73vwRpRTaTRV9zsGe9PtrFZhH7KD LTC: LUJrbfPf9v6212FuA1yBscDbidX1UcpNFo NXT: 16172315048100850736 NAMECOIN: NHfN1kpj8G9aUCCHuummBKa8mPvppN1UFa BITSHARES PTS: PtTy4odKrFq6afXyU3459kNetonztAu6Lk Or if you still use the fiat, tip us for free by doing your normal shopping on Amazon US ( Amazon UK ( or Amazon Canada ( Thanks for tuning in!