Confession Means Being Forgiven

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Do you remember a time when someone said, “I forgive you” when you did something wrong? Do you remember how relieved and overjoyed you felt? When you confess to God, you are forgiven and you can start all over again. There’s no need to look back on what you’ve done! God promises to never give up on you. He said He started a good work in you and will carry it on to the day of completion. Until we meet Him again in heaven, He will stick with us and continue to make us more and more like Him. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t consequences for our actions in this world. Sometime we hurt people with the choices we make. Sometimes we break relationships, or cause people to lose faith in us. Just because we are forgiven by God doesn’t mean that we don’t have to deal with the results of our actions.The good thing is that we are never alone. God will continue to stick by us as He helps us continue to fix the mistakes we made in the past. We need to confess to Him, and we need to confess to others from time to time. It’s only then that we can start over as new creations and be used by God to reach our world! That is a fabulous experience and I recommend it to you.