A Precedent of Service

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: George Washington, the first president of the United States, set an important precedent for this country. After his heroic leadership during the revolution, many Americans wanted Washington to be King. A new King for the new country, America. But he refused. He would serve the nation as president. Can you imagine how different America would be today if he had chosen to be king instead of president? In the same way, what we do today sets a precedent for the future. For future generations- in our families, in the church, and the world. Will we set a precedent of loving God and reaching our world? Jesus Christ, “the author and perfector of our faith” set the ultimate precedent of service in laying down His life for us. And all of us who call Him Lord can follow in His footsteps by serving others. Whom can you tell about our Servant Savior today? If you do it, let me know! I love to hear how you are reaching your world. Email me at stories@palau.org. I can’t wait to hear how God is using you!