The Week In Review for week ending Feb 28 2014

RNZ: The Week In Review show

Summary: A review of the week's news including... revelations the lawyer for the former Pike River boss wrote to Government officials offering a 3.4 million dollar payment in return for charges being dropped, veteran political strategist Matt McCarten changes his mind about Labour leader David Cunliffe, leaked documents show the Government's spy agency has been schooled in how to deny, disrupt, degrade and defeat online activism, revelations a man who died in custody had been assessed by a doctor who only looked through a window at him, more details come to light about an Afghan interpreter who says he escaped being executed by the Taleban, British rock musician, turned physicist, Brian Cox talks about communicating science, a New Zealand Navy ship is forced to make a U-turn after battling 14 metre waves on its way to the Sub-Antarctic Islands and the New Zealand Movie 'Three Mile Limit ' has won the best international film award at the Washington DC film festival ahead of it's public release in early March.