Transcript And MP3 Of My $180,000 Website Flipping Presentation

Entrepreneurs Journey Podcast By Yaro show

Summary: The response to the video I shared of my presentation - How I Made $180,000 Profit Buying And Selling Websites Part Time - was awesome, and as I promised, here is the text transcript for you. I'll also include the MP3 download if you just want the audio without the video. I'd appreciate it if you shared this with as many people as you think would benefit from the information. This presentation reveals some really practical details on how I made money investing in websites online, on a part time basis, and your friends will thank you for passing it on to them. Download the MP3 Audio only file [ 81 minutes | 56MB ] Download the PDF Text Transcript [ 41 Pages | PDF ] Here's the text transcript as a blog post (warning - this is 40+ pages long!). ****** How I Made $180,000 Profit Buying and Selling Websites Part Time Hi everyone. This is my story, since we were talking about stories. The first thing I’d like to clarify to people is that as you hear me, I probably sound like I have an accent to you. I do. I have a Canadian accent. However, I was actually born and raised in Brisbane, so I have not really Canadian parents but they studied and grew up in Canada, and the combination of listening to them and watching Sesame Street or something like that growing up, I picked up this accent. I was born and raised in Brisbane, so if you ask me any questions about it, I’ll know the answer. What I’m about to talk about is not what I do as a full-time business. This was something I did part-time. The reason why I guess I talk about this right now is you’re all running businesses and it would be a great chance for you to possibly consider doing this as an investment strategy for the profits you make from your business, or of course you could do it full-time. In my case it was an investment strategy. BACKGROUND Let me ask a question. Who here knows of my blog, Not so many. That’s good. I usually speak to people who know me already, so this will be fun. I’ve been blogging for four years, and this talk has very little to do with blogging, but that’s how I’ve established my business and built up a profile online. That’s how I met Andrew and Daryl and so forth, so I’ve made money online and taken the money I made into a strategy of buying and selling websites. What I want to do is give you a bit of background to reach the point where I understood what it meant to make money from buying and selling websites. As I said, I was born and raised in Brisbane. I went to the University of Queensland and studied for a business management degree. Although it sounds relevant, I really didn’t gain any knowledge from that that I use with what I do today, but it was a great way to pass time. I had a lot of fun learning what the internet could do for me. While my friends were out getting drunk and doing stupid things on Friday nights, I’d often be playing with my website. It was a little bit geeky, but I really enjoyed it. In fact, my first website I can’t show you, because I don’t think we have internet access, but I had a Geocities website in 1999 for a card game I used to play called Magic the Gathering. I’ll talk about that later, because it has to do with one of the website deals I did. In 2004 I began blogging. All of you people who haven’t seen my blog, please remember my name or that website address. If you’re not into blogging, as I said, I won’t be talking much about blogging, but it’s been an amazing thing for me. It’s transformed my life in terms of the freedoms I’ve had and what kind of life I’ve been able to live and what kind of business I’ve been able to run. I got out of the university in early 2000 and I never went on to a full-time job, so it’s always been an online business for me. I’ve been lucky enough to always make enough money to get by and then some in more recent years, thanks to the internet. Where am I today?