Walnuts: The new gold rush?

Inside the Food Channel show

Summary: Walnuts are in the news lately because higher demand makes them a prime target for thieves. The demand is due, in part, to increased awareness of potential health benefits. Host Joy Robertson talks with Food Channel Editor Kay Logsdon and Food Trends Expert Locke Hilderbrand about the nuts, their versatility and the trends that have helped crack the shell on their rising popularity. Video: Blue Cheese & Bacon First Down Dip http://www.foodchannel.com/recipes/recipe/blue-cheese-and-bacon-first-down-dip/ Walnut Oil Vinaigrette: http://www.foodchannel.com/recipes/recipe/walnut-oil-vinaigrette/ Sweet & Salty Rosemary Walnuts http://www.foodchannel.com/recipes/recipe/sweet-salty-rosemary-walnuts/ Information & health benefits: http://www.walnuts.org AP Article: http://bigstory.ap.org/article/california-nut-farmers-ban-together-fight-theft