Red River Writers Live - A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY with Marsha Casper Cook

Red River Radio show

Summary: Have you ever wondered if you have an angel walking beside you through life? If you have never believed in Angels starting on June 17 at 12 PM ( Central) you will. Please join Host Marsha Cook and her assistant Abbi Glines as they welcome Margaret Doner, Sam Oliver and Freda Roberts who will discuss their life long work. Freda Roberts will start the show with a wonderful reading from her book Angels At My Side. In Freda’s book each angel is of a different nationality and faith making this book an excellent tool for teaching multicultural education to both adults and children. Sam Oliver is the author of “Angel of Promise” That’s his latest work, but he has spent his life writing books to define what life is really about and how we can open ourselves to new experiences. The next time you think Heaven is a place you go to when you die just close your eyes and open your heart as wide as you can. When you open them, listen to your heart. It will tell you "welcome home." Sam Oliver, author of "Angel of Promise" Margaret has written many books and screenplays is going to explain how Past Life Regression Therapy recognizes that emotional, mental, spiritual and physical trauma will be carried from one lifetime to another until it is resolved. Sam will also be discussing the 7 promises we make at birth to the angel promised to us and the promise our angel makes to us as well. This is a discussion you won’t want to miss. Most importantly all three of these guests are very charitable and give their time for various organizations. We will also be discussing a wonderful project that Freda is a part of, Bess the Book Bus. This is a mobile literacy outreach dedicated to building home libraries for children and families that otherwise may not have the opportunity to own books. The call lines will be open.