RFK - Dellani's Tea Time

Red River Radio show

Summary: This month, Dellani's show takes a slightly different direction. On December 13th, Dellani's guests are non-fiction authors whose books to help parents and children cope with the everyday stress of today's challenging world. Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein heads the list. She is the author of "The Enchanted Self", "The Truth for Girls" and and "Positive Psychology for Women." She's joined by Christine Fonesca, author of "Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students" and "101 Success Secrets for Gifted Kids." Jay Fitter adds his outlook in his book, "Respect Your Child - A Practical Guide for Effective Parenting". Reverence Sam Oliver is also in the lineup with his book "Angel of Promise". Jon Magee, author of "From Barren Rocks to Living Stones" completes the ensemble. This should be a great resource show for parents, although kids are also welcome. Please join Dellani at 3:00 PM (Central) for this highly informative show.