RRWL Tales from the Pages

Red River Radio show

Summary: For December Barbara Ehrentreu and Co-Host Cindie Miller have a very special show planned. On Thursday, December 23rd we are offering an entire show of past guests. Each guest will be reading an excerpt from a favorite holiday story. Afterwards there will be the usual discussion and it should be a lot of fun. Tune in to hear our guest's favorite stories. So far our guests will be:Donald Hagelberg, Comedy Writer Mr.J, Jill Helene Fettner, Michelle McGriff, Penny Ehrenkranz, Franny Armstrong, Janie Franz, and possibly returning guests Sally Drumm and the writers of Milspeak! Also joining us for the discussion period will be my friend and publisher of MuseItUp Publishing, Lea Schizas. This is going to be a great show!!! Not to be missed!!!!