RRWL Tales from the Pages

Red River Radio show

Summary: This month's RRWL Tales from the Pages features a friend of the show, Fran Lewis, children's author of three children's books, Bertha Speaks Out, My Name is Bertha, Bertha Fights Back, and she has written two adult non-fiction books, Memories Are Precious:Altzheimer's Journey;Ruth's Story, and Sharp as a Tack or Scrambled Eggs:Which Describes Your Brain? Besides being an author, Fran worked in the New York City public schools as a Reading and Writing Staff Developer for 36 years, has three Masters degrees and is a very good friend for many years. With her on today's show will be Clay Ballentine whose new book, Why Am I Anxious? explores his own experiences with undiagnosed thyroid disease and how it almost cost him his life. Please tune in at 3PM Central or 4PM EST for this very unusual show.