Red River Radio show

Summary:   THREE EASTERN: TWO CENTRAL: ONE PACIFIC: RED RIVER WRITERS AND BLOG TALK RADIO: MYSTERY WEDNESDAY WITH FRAN LEWIS   Mystery Wednesday Is Back: Three outstanding authors will take the spotlight and discuss their novels, writing experiences, the research done to create their five star ratings and much more. John Betcher is back with the next installment of his Beck Series: The Exiled Element also featuring Beck’s wife Beth who plays a huge role in this one. Followed by David Workman the author of Absolute Authority and his character Gordon Mc Allister  is one you definitely want to see more of. Rounding out the three is C.L. Kraemer. the author of Shattered Tomorrows based on real life incident that happened on May 7, 1981.     The show will spotlight the novels, we will talk about the art of writing a good mystery, define covert operations and C. L. Kraemer will discuss the real life story behind writing her compelling novel. This is one show that I hope will generate questions in the chat room and everyone will listen to. I am your host educator, reviewer, interview, and media coordinator Fran Lewis joined by Sandra Elrod and Kenneth Weene.