Chiropractic Game Changers Episode 3. ‘BIG Goal Setting 101′

Chiropractic Game Changers Podcast show

Summary:   Today's Podcast is all about Goal Setting. How to make Powerful effective goals. Goal Setting 101: Tip #1. Make sure they are your goals and not someone else's. Tip #2. Write down your goals and stick them where you will see them every day. Writing them down will help you clarify what you want. Writing them down will motivate you to take action. Writing them down will help you overcome resistance. Writing them down will help you progress, update and celebrate your goals. Tip #3. Be Very Specific-and assign a due date Tip #4.Plan Your Actions. Tip #5. Think BIG. "Most people think small because most people are afraid of success, afraid of making decisions, afraid of winning. And that gives people like me a great advantage." - Donald Trump  Thinking big forces you to challenge conventional wisdom. Thinking Big challenges you to go beyond your comfort zone. Thinking Big stirs your passion and enthusiasm. Thinking Big challenges you to expand your means; rather than live below your means. Thinking Big eliminates impossibilities.   Here's the TED TALK video of  School kills Creativity. (The record holder for most viewed Ted Talk). Now, here's this Week's Podcast! Would love to hear your goals and comments below.