The Halli Casser-Jayne Show  show

Summary: Wednesday, February 19, 3 pm ET The Halli Casser-Jayne Show, Talk Radio for Fine Minds airs the true story of atomic bomb victim, Hiroshima survivor, Shinji Mikamo. August 6, 1945 begins like any other day in Hiroshima during World War II. As nineteen-year-old Shinji Mikamo helps his father prepare their house for demolition, there is a blinding flash and ear-piercing explosion. Right as Shinji turns toward the noise, a fireball sends him into a chaotic world of darkness and confusion. An atomic bomb has just exploded only three-quarters of a mile away from Shinji, devastating all of Hiroshima in only a few seconds. The story of what happened thereafter to Shinji is told by his daughter, Dr. Akiko Mikamo in her book Rising from the Ashes, A True Story of Survival and Forgiveness from Hiroshima. Dr. Akiko Mikamo who was born and raised in Hiroshima by two atomic bomb survivors, promised herself as a child to contribute to world peace and humanity. She is president of San Diego – WISH: Worldwide Initiative to Safeguard Humanity and president and medical psychologist at US-Japan Psychological Services in San Diego, California.  The Halli Casser-Jayne Show, Talk Radio for Fine Minds airs live Wednesdays, 3 pm is available ON DEMAND.