When in Doubt, Pastor Curt Vignery, Aug 26, 2012

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - doubt is in all of us, doubt and failure is a vicious cycle - Ps. 94:19, Luke 5:1-11 MSG - Jesus' ability - do you doubt Jesus' ability to produce fruit in your life? - you may be an expert in something, but Jesus' words change everything - it's okay that I don't understand/comprehend everything - you can say, "Intellectually, I do not agree with you, Jesus, but I trust You." - How can I know that Jesus has the answers? 1. Jesus' ability rests in His authority - what you can't do, Jesus can do in a single word 2. Jesus' ability supercedes and overcomes our doubts as to who He is and what He can do - don't be afraid of God's future for you - your lack of ability is overcome by your availability - don't let your shame bind you to your failure - God is not offended by you rlack of faith (Matt 14:22-23 NLT) - your availability reveals your pliability - easily bent, flexible, ability to be changed (1 Peter 1:13-16 MSG, Matt. 16:13-20 NLT, Matt. 26:69-75 MSG) - failure is not final - yor pliability leads to your stability (Rom. 8:33-39 MSG)