S&S 002- Inbox Full of Love

The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network show

Summary: We made it to episode 2 of Sex & Science Hour, with Brian Sovryn and Dr. Stephanie Murphy! Episode 1 notes and links: We just realized that our theme song is the Soviet March. Now you can choose a custom gender on facebook. http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/02/13/facebook_gender_options_male_female_and_custom_plus_preferred_pronouns.html Goodwill looked like they were going to accept bitcoins for a minute - are they doing it for the hipsters? We may never know, since the story was bogus anyway. http://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Goodwill-stores-will-start-accepting-bitcoins-5229642.php Brian has a theory that Amazon will never take bitcoins. We got heat from a listener about “gay blood” and money laundering. Brian got free satoshis from the bitcoin mystery spammer while everyone else freaked out. Sitting is the new smoking? Plus Stephanie’s first (totally f’d up) standing desk.http://chriskresser.com/how-sitting-too-much-is-making-us-sick-and-fat-and-what-to-do-about-it?kme=CK.com%20AR%2FWhy%20Sitting%20Is%20the%20New%20Smoking In case we haven’t ignited your hypochondria enough, don’t look at your phone or wake up in the middle of the night. http://www.medicaldaily.com/poor-quality-sleep-ups-cancer-growth-risk-fragmented-sleep-weakens-immunity-and-helps-tumors-grow Is sharing an email address a sign of love? (Or just weird…) http://www.medicaldaily.com/poor-quality-sleep-ups-cancer-growth-risk-fragmented-sleep-weakens-immunity-and-helps-tumors-grow Does anyone else get nostalgic for 90s style cybersex? A listener asks what inspires our sexual philosophy (we swear we didn’t plant that question). And we end off with sexual myths debunked - and a haiku about sexual orientation. http://afterhours.lifehacker.com/10-stubborn-sex-myths-that-just-wont-die-debunked-by-1522576378 Email us feedback, comments, show prep, and relationship questions: show@sexandsciencehour.com Send us a tip! Oh my. BTC: 1Mspme73vwRpRTaTRV9zsGe9PtrFZhH7KD LTC: LUJrbfPf9v6212FuA1yBscDbidX1UcpNFo NXT: 16172315048100850736 NAMECOIN: NHfN1kpj8G9aUCCHuummBKa8mPvppN1UFa BITSHARES PTS: PtTy4odKrFq6afXyU3459kNetonztAu6Lk Or if you still use the fiat, tip us for free by doing your normal shopping on Amazon US (http://goo.gl/U9sUSu) Amazon UK (http://goo.gl/bkLKpZ) or Amazon Canada (http://goo.gl/YDLW2e). Awesome chiptunes that you heard in the show are by rolemusic! (http://rolemusic.sawsquarenoise.com/) Thanks for tuning in!